VETCAMP is implemented by a multi-stakeholder transnational partnership of organizations active in the areas of VET and technology-enhanced learning.
EVBB is an umbrella association gathering an heterogenous range of educational providers in the common interest of enhancing, upgrading and harmonising Vocational Education and Training (VET) at European level. EVBB has more than 60 members from all over the world coming from both the private and the public sector and covering all fields related to initial, advanced and further education and training. Such a wide coverage accounts for greatly improved dissemination results, further increased by a specialized staff with a background in social and traditional communication tools.
BEST main activities comprise the development of innovative training programmes for young (+16) individuals and adults, many of them disadvantaged and with migration background, on continuous and vocational training, counselling & coaching and activation for job seekers and employees. The training schemes are client-oriented and based on both the specific needs of the labour market and the participants’ individual situations, skills and competences, previous experience and life circumstances.
The European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC) was founded in 2004, with an official kick off during the ERACON 2005 (Erasmus Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair 2005) in Cyprus. It is a membership association with more than 80 institutional members from EU and Non-EU Countries. It promotes mobility of students, academic and administrative staff in the territory of the European Union and beyond and support the process of raising education and quality standards in the territory of the European Union.
ReadLab is an Information & Communication Technologies service provider and software developer in the field of e-learning, operating internationally, with partners from all over the world. ReadLab designs, develops, supports and operates IT systems and commercialises a wide range of software products in the field of e-learning, using state-of-the-art technologies.
DomSpain is a Training Company active on a national and international level offering a variety of services to the public and private sector of Spain. It is accredited by the Employability Service of Catalonia as a consultancy, recruitment and training center to coordinate local, national and international mobilities and internships of VET students.
AEVA, the Association for the Education and Valorisation of Aveiro Region, is an NGO seeking to meet the needs of local businesses in tackling skills mismatch by bringing education and the working world closer together. It employs 159 qualified professionals and offers 46 VET courses most of them on areas related with climate change issues. AEVA-EPA is certified by ISO 9001 (Quality) and SA 8000 (Social Responsibility).