Regulatory Framework

Green VET Online Campus Regulatory Framework

In the dynamic landscape of modern education, the emergence of Open Educational Resources (OER) has brought about revolutionary opportunities for creating, sharing, capitalizing on existing resources, and delivering online Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. The Regulatory Framework governing the operations of the VET Online Campus recognizes the paramount importance of ensuring the quality and effectiveness of OER in enhancing the learning experience. To this end, a comprehensive Quality Assurance (QA) mechanism is integral to maintaining the credibility and value of OER within the framework.

  • Definition of Quality in OER:

Quality in the context of OER extends beyond mere content and encompasses aspects such as accuracy, relevance, pedagogical effectiveness, and accessibility. The Regulatory Framework defines quality in OER as content that meets rigorous standards for accuracy, is contextually relevant to the VET courses, employs effective pedagogical approaches, and is accessible to diverse learners, including those with disabilities.

  • Evaluation and Selection of OER:

The Regulatory Framework establishes a structured procedure for the assessment and curation of OER, meticulously aligned with predefined quality benchmarks. All OER offerings have undergone meticulous examination to validate their congruence with curriculum objectives, precision of information, and strict adherence to copyright regulations. This effort underscores the consortium’s dedication to upholding the highest standards across all courses.

  • Authorship and Attribution:

To maintain the integrity of OER, the Regulatory Framework stipulates clear guidelines for authorship and attribution. Contributors are required to provide accurate information about the sources of content, enabling learners to trace back information to its origin. This fosters transparency, academic honesty, and the ability to verify the authenticity of the resources.

  • Accessibility and Inclusivity:

The Regulatory Framework underscores the principle of accessibility and inclusivity in OER development. All resources are required to adhere to established accessibility standards, ensuring that learners of varying abilities can equally benefit from the content. This commitment to inclusivity aligns with ethical and legal obligations, promoting equitable access to education.

  • Compliance and Monitoring:

The Regulatory Framework includes mechanisms for compliance monitoring to ensure adherence to quality standards over time. Regular audits of the OER repository, content review processes, and engagement with user feedback are conducted to identify and rectify any deviations from quality benchmarks.

In conclusion, the Regulatory Framework governing the VET Online Campus Course recognizes the transformative potential of OER and acknowledges the necessity of maintaining their quality. By establishing comprehensive QA measures encompassing content evaluation and accessibility, the framework guarantees that OER remains an invaluable asset in enhancing the quality of the VETCAMP course. Through the diligent implementation of these quality assurance mechanisms, the VETCAMP course upholds its commitment to providing a robust and enriching educational experience for all learners.

  • Introduction to enrollment policies

The need for more accessible and diverse educational resources in sustainability has led to the emergence of open online learning platforms. These platforms provide users with the opportunity to learn about sustainable practices at their own pace. The VETCAMP learning platform is one of them.

Setting clear and effective enrollment policies is one crucial element for the development and success of an open online learning platform in sustainability. As the provider of such a platform, it’s essential to set clear enrolment policies to ensure the best outcomes for both the provider and users. The following paragraphs reflect on the general policy considerations and look at them from the point of platform provider, indicating also what needs to be kept in mind from user perspective.

  • From point of view of the VETCAMP platform provider

The online learning platform we provide is open-access, meaning that anyone who is interested in learning about sustainability can access the platform and its resources without any restrictions or barriers. Our platform is designed to be inclusive and enables users from diverse backgrounds to learn and gain knowledge about sustainability. By providing open-access to our platform, we seek to democratize educational opportunities.

The open-access approach we offer also promotes lifelong learning, enabling users to improve their understanding of sustainable practices and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the field. Open access allows for easy sharing of information and resources within the sustainability community, which promotes collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Therefore, our platform’s open-access policy ensures that all users can benefit from the shared wealth of information and knowledge available on the platform.

  • Enrollment procedures: Open access and self-enrollment

The online learning platform we offer provides open access to all, enabling anyone interested in learning about sustainability to access the platform and its resources as a “learner”/”student”. Our platform’s open access policy aims to make education more inclusive and promotes lifelong learning while enabling the sharing of information and resources within the sustainability community, even for people outside any training institutes. The primary objective of the enrolment policies for the platform is for this reason to ensure that genuine users who are passionate about sustainability can access the resource without limiting enrolment to others.

For this reason, enrolment should be as simple as possible and open to be performed by interested users themselves. This can be initiated by themselves directly on the platform, or any training provider staff who informs them about this possibility. Support information in form of FAQs, video and manual tutorials are a common practice to help them during these first steps on the VETCAMP platform and complement the enrolment policy as basic technical tools. Automatic communication about the enrolment (success, errors, status, and similar) via the VETCAMP platform is part of the open-access enrolment policy.

Enrolment for educators and training provider staff who want to use the VETCAMP platform and the training content for their work, should also be offered via self-enrolment. Indicating where/ how to find didactic background information or material dedicated to them particularly as educators should be part of the enrolment information provided.

Having “guest” status for people who are not enrolled is a good way to give access to teasers and show what the platform offers. However, the enrollment goes hand in hand with rights of using the platform features to a larger degree. What users participating by self-enrolment are allowed to do must be dealt with in conformity with the “Intellectual Properties & Rights Management” and “Access & participation” details. Information about this should be provided in advance and possibly in the automated communication on the enrolment.

  • Enrollment data

Providers like the VETCAMP learning environment provider, need to verify the identities of the users. This may help in achieving the targeted user behaviour and its tracking. However, GDPR and user confidentiality/ privacy must be applied from the enrollment procedure to when the enrollment ends. To achieve this, the VETCAMP platform provider has a clear policy that requires users to provide their credentials or any other forms of identification that can verify their authenticity. Guaranteeing use of email-addresses only once will help answer the need to report platform use at the end of the funded project lifetime. Email addresses will be important to change the personal password necessary to access the platform.

However, users should be assured that only necessary personal data is being used and that their confidential data like email addresses, passwords, and any other private information will be kept secure, any tracking information must be anonymised by the master-administration. Users must be informed of how their data will be used by the provider, and that their data will not be shared with third parties (c.f. “Data protection management”). It is for this reason open, what benefit an enrolment policy may bring when potential users are asked to provide information about their current field of work and/or study if the overall enrolment policy encourages the open-access approach, unless asked as optional credential to indicate the level of experience in sustainability once there is also a learning progression in the same topic offered by the platform.

  • Other aspects for enrollment

In terms of accessibility and usability, there might be the need for policies that regulate the number of simultaneous users. This includes the maximum number of users allowed to access the platform at the same time. This may be more important for the foreseen synchronous phases in which active communication/ collaboration is the aim. Further considerations include any technical requirements or restrictions needed to facilitate the efficient use of the online platform.

Another crucial aspect of enrolment policies is payment. A free fee structure is essential to be implemented during the project duration and for any of the contents developed during the funded project lifetime. To clarify if and how payments should be made for other reasons, the amount to be charged, and if there are any additional costs, must be considered for the enrolment policy (see also details under “Course fee payment policy”). It is essential to ensure that this policy is clear and understandable to avoid user confusion, which could lead to poor reviews of the platform. In the end, the VETCAMP platform has an open access policy enrolment as a core policy.

Lastly, it is important to consider any policies around user behaviour, including rules that regulate user conduct, and conduct towards other users or stakeholders. The platform provider needs a clear policy that outlines the expected behaviour of users, and what will happen in case of any violations (c.f. also “Student policies”).

  • End of the enrollment

The enrolment to a specific course could end automatically with successful course participation, or it could stay open for some more time. Since the overall approach in VETCAMP is an “open access” and “open door” policy, the enrollment policy wants to allow for the widest possible use, also time-wise. It might make only sense for tutor-led courses to limit the enrolment to successful course participation and a certain period the user is free to access and use the platform as foreseen. However, the enrolment policy foresees to inform users accordingly about the possible access period during the enrolment process.

In addition, the enrolment policy foresees that users might ask to end the course enrolment at any time. This has to be made as easy as possible, e.g. enabled by clicking a simple button accessible in each course to the individual users. An automatic warning shared as a pop-up should help to avoid unintended requests.

In the unlikely event that users disregard the platform Terms and Conditions, misuse data or do not show the necessary respect to the user etiquette these terms will consider for instance, the platform administration might end the enrolment.

In any of these cases, a subsequent automatic email notification would be necessary to be sent to the concerned party/ies.

  • Conclusion

The enrollment policies shall help set a clear expectation for potential users and set a standard for the learning requirements. Our enrolment policies aim to ensure that genuine users, who are passionate about sustainability, can access the resources provided by the platform and can engage in any communication/ collaboration possibility foreseen while others may only have “guest” status. These policies should also be fair and transparent, particularly in areas like payment, privacy, and user behaviour. By working with these policies, the platform can create a conducive learning environment that fosters engagement and long-lasting connections with users.

What can you expect as a student in our courses and how do you proceed?

The course offers are free of charge.

  1. As first steps you register on our homepage so that you can participate in the courses.
  2. After registration you can participate in 8 different courses. You decide which courses. You can take one course or all of them. There are no costs for you.
  3. You are not bound to any time when taking the courses. You decide at what time and for how long you work on the courses. You can decide to pause or repeat a module at any time. This way you can adapt learning to your needs and have more success.
  4. In all courses you will find links that allow you to do further research.
  5. After completing the entire course, there is a small quiz that allows you to check your learning objectives.
  6. Upon completion of a course, you will receive a certificate confirming successful completion.


The European Commission recognises the value and importance of civic and social participation in buildin a more inclusive, democratic and citizen-friendly Europe. In fact, it is implementing a number of measures to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between different organisations with these principles in particular in mind.

As a provider and partner of the Green VET Online Campus, we consider access and participation as cross-cutting issues for all our activities.

For many end-users (both students and VET teachers), access and participation can be conditioned by significant barriers of various kinds:

  • obstacles related to the different education and training systems in the European Union, to the situation of young NEETs or low-skilled adults, to economic and social disadvantage, to precarious situations or to long-term unemployment
  •  economic disadvantage, social disadvantage, precarious situations or long-term unemployment
  • geographical constraints, e.g. living in remote or rural areas, on small islands or in peripheral/remote regions, in less developed areas

To meet all these needs, specific objectives related to the overall inclusion of participants have been prioritised by sharing all measures available to VET teachers, drawing inspiration from available national and international good practices in the area of access and participation.

Indeed, the Green VET Online Campus improves equality of opportunity for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups to access, succeed and progress in higher education.

Barriers created by early school leavers or young NEETs are removed by offering easily accessible online courses. The aim is to support the dual digital and environmental transition in VET through international knowledge exchange, sharing of open educational resources and innovative learning experiences accessible to all.

The partners have therefore identified the objectives, actions and measures they will put in place to achieve these changes through the VETCAMP platform. These actions include: Facilitating access and participation, promoting good green practices and open resources that allow all participants to connect how, where and when they want without barriers of time or geography.

Open access for both VET teachers and students, as well as active participation, are important indicators for achieving the goals we have set. Access and participation are monitored not only by the total number of users on the website, responses to the multiplier events, conferences, workshops and social network engagement (Facebook, LinkedIn, email, etc.), but also by the final number of participants completing the eight available courses.

Introduction to VET Online Campus Programme

The vision behind VET Online Campus is to initiate and foster a circle of educational knowledge building and sharing by:

  • Supporting the development of reusable and sharable learning content and didactic scenarios (create) 
  • Encouraging teachers and trainers to discover, review, critique and build on others’ work (use)
  • Enable teachers and trainers to integrate others’ work into their own teaching (remix). 

VETCAMP project offers 8 green VET courses via the VET Online Campus

  • Develop 3 NEW courses using the VETCAMP authoring tool. The development and offer of these courses are included in the respective organizations’ planning, based on local needs analysis. 
  • Adapt 5 EXISTING courses using the VETCAMP authoring tool.

The courses respond to the NEED to:

  • boost the capacity of the VET sector to deliver the skills for sustainability, required in the workplace.
  • enhance the digital capabilities of VET organizations and trainers.

 VET Online Campus Programme

The VETCAMP online Campus Programme is comprised of 8 courses, each with one or more modules, on a variety of topics related to green skills and sustainable development.

The Green VET Online Campus offers solutions for VET institutions that need supplemental digital content to provide more asynchronous learning opportunities in existing courses on green skills and sustainable development. Interested persons can follow the programme or watch specific material of interest to them through the VETCAMP platform.

All courses are available on VETCAMP free online platform.

In relation to Accessibility and inclusion, VETCAMP Online Campus Programme employs all traditional and digital means available to be fully accessible and inclusive. This involves reducing and overcoming the barriers that might occur in:

  • Digital content
  • Teaching and learning activities
  • Assessments 

The courses were developed according to micro-learning method making its contents more accessible and inclusive.

Course 1 – Substance of circular Economy concept as Efficacious Determinant for the development of Successful entrepreneurship.

Target Group: start-uppers, young entrepreneurs and VET trainers 

The course aims to strengthen professional development of start-uppers, young entrepreneurs and VET trainers through adopting or improving knowledge and skills in the field of Circular Economy and modern Entrepreneurship reality.

The course has 3 different modules:

  • Waste Management – Sustainable Material Management
  • Waste as a Valuable Resource
  • Case Studies – Using Waste as a Resource for a Functioning Circular Economy

Learning objectives of module Waste Management – Sustainable Material Management

After completing the module the students will have knowledge of:

  • waste, primary waste and secondary waste
  • waste reuse and circular economy: necessity and sustainable effects (cost savings, job creation, etc.)
  • monitoring waste generation and treatment at EU level
  • recycling: reuse and recovery of waste
  • types of plastics – reuse of plastics
  • innovation ideas & upcycling
  • reuse of materials at the workplace

Learning objectives of module Waste as a Valuable Resource

After completing this module the students will have knowledge of:

  • best practices in waste reuse
  • reuse of e-waste 
  • reuse of plastic waste

Learning objectives of module Case Studies – Using Waste as a Resource for a Functioning Circular Economy

After completing this module the students will have knowledge of:

  • intelligent recycling of biogenic waste
  • coffee brew for mushroom production
  • plastic bottle granulate in 3D

Course 2 – Cultural Management Specialized in Sustainability

Target Group: Cultural sector

This course aims to teach how to make cultural and artistic activities, more sustainable. In Course 2 “Cultural Management Specialized in Sustainability” learners will acquire knowledge on how to make cultural and artistic activities, in themselves, more sustainable – measuring the carbon footprint, using ecological materials, or recycling their waste; and at the same time how to use art and culture as tools to publicize the Sustainable Development Goals.

The main learning outcomes of this course are:

  • Learn how to use ecological materials in the activities.
  • Recycle the waste generated on its development.
  • Be conscious of the carbon footprint generated by their activities.
  • Learn how to use art and culture as tools to publicize the Sustainable Development Goals; develop eco-friendly versions of them.

Course 3 – VET towards sustainability

Target Group: VET students

In the course VET TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY users will find 4 different modules with microlearning lessons that will introduce you to the concepts of sustainability, circular economy and climate change. This course will approach several elements such as the definition of Sustainability and its dimensions; 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, the concept of Circular Economy and the EU approach to circular economy; Climate Change, adaptation and mitigation, and, at the end you will find tips on how to be more sustainable.

Module 1 – Throughout two lessons learners will be introduced to the concept of Sustainability and will be able to define sustainability dimensions, describe the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development as well as the UN Sustainable development goals with particular focus on SDG 13.

Module 2 – (Circular economy) includes 4 lessons. Throughout the 4 lessons learners will be introduced to the concept of Circular Economy and will be able to demonstrate the benefits of circular economy sustainability.

Module 3 – During this module learners will discover what is Climate Change. Learners will be able to define the impacts of climate change in Europe and describe greenhouse gas emissions and impact. The learners will also improve their knowledge about climate change adaptation and mitigation and will be able to define the difference between the 2 concepts.

Module 4 – After completing “How to be sustainable module” learners will be able to apply general and simple tips in their lives putting in to practice actions that will help them be more sustainable.

After completing this course (4 modules), the students will be able to understand:

  • the concept of sustainability;
  • define the basis of circular economy;
  • understand the impacts of climate change and mitigations and adaptation actions;
  • apply the concepts learned at school and in their day-to-day lifestyle;
  • move towards a more sustainable way of life.

Course 4 – Green Employability

Target Group: VET trainers and teachers

The course aims to promote ecological issues among VET Trainers and teachers on how to teach relevant new “green” techniques and mainstream green skills.

The course has 3 different modules:

  • Green Employability
  • European Green Deal (EGD) – Expected Employment Trends
  • Sustainable Development

Learning objectives of module Green Employability

After completing this module, the learners will be able to understand better:

  • The objectives and implementation options of the “Green Employment Initiative”
  • Sustainable management of pollution and natural resources (environmental goods and service sectors)
  • General challenges and opportunities “Green growth” brings for the labour market
  • Conditions fostering a Green Economy
  • The “EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy” and “Green Action Plan for SMEs” on Linking Green Growth and Jobs
  • Objectives, actions, timeline, policy areas, connected strategies of the “Circular economy action plan (CEAP)”
  • Objectives & actions of the “Green Action Plan for SMEs” (GAP)

Learning objectives of module European Green Deal (EGD) – Expected Employment Trends

After completing this module, the learners will be able to understand better:

  • The European Green Deal (EGD): Commitment to a more sustainable economy and society.
  • EGD objectives: Investing in improving the lives of all citizens, creating new jobs and improving opportunities and living conditions – becoming “greener”.
  • Expected impact of EGD on skills and the vocational education and training (VET) sector
  • Projected sectoral employment trends: sectors directly linked to sustainability and climate change (e.g., waste management, water supply, electricity supply, manufacturing of electronic devices and equipment, engineering, computing – digital skills)
  • VET policy implications and choices deriving from the EGD: targeted investments, development of transition-oriented approaches to skills matching, required retraining and upskilling.

Learning objectives of module Sustainable Development

After completing this module, the learners will be able to understand better:

  • The concept of Sustainable Development: Importance, necessity and objectives
  • Sustainable Development – How should this be done? 
  • A didactic perspective on Sustainable Development
  • Distinctive characteristics of education for Sustainable Development
  • Steps towards sustainable development – a gradual process

Course 5 – Eco Management Tools

Target Group: People who would like to progress professionally and the knowledge obtained can be applied at the workplace

Course 5 “Eco-Management Tools” provides the reader, in a quick and easy way, with all the knowledge, skills, and competencies that the business world demands concerning the implementation of environmental quality systems. You will learn the steps needed to become a technician in Environmental Management Systems.

The objective of the course is to teach how EMS (Environmental Management Systems) work and how to become a technician in Environmental Management

The main learning outcomes of this course are:

  • Have acquired all the knowledge and competences that the business world demands in relation to the implementation of environmental quality systems
  • Know what an EMS is, how to create one, implement it and evaluate its progress
  • Learn practical ideas to implement in your business daily-routine.

Course 6 – Circular Economy and New Professional Profiles

Target Group: Any person interested in starting a new business/project or adapting their existing one to circular economy processes

Course 6 “Circular Economy and New Professional Profiles” is a helpful guide to understanding the meaning of “circular economy” how it works, and the importance of professional figures that manage it. It also wants to raise consciousness about the benefits it has in the environment and provide some useful steps to implement it in our daily lives.

This course aims to inform what circular economy is and how it guides the development of new professional profiles.

The main learning outcomes of this course are:

  • Understand what “circular economy” is and how it works.
  • Know every step of the process and how they benefit the environment.
  • Learn how to make your daily life more sustainable; implement the circular economy in your day-to-day.
  • Become conscious of the future professional figures this will lead to.

Course 7- Upcycling, a necessity for the future

Target Group: All

This course aims to inform and clarify the concept of upcycling, while distinguishing it from the concepts of recycling and downcycling. Learners will be informed about the importance of upcycling and its impact on the environment, as well as being shown the advantages and disadvantages of its practice.

The Course is then divided into 5 modules: after an introduction to the topic, a useful guide is shared about different ideas with a view to putting upcycling into practice through small projects and ideas for reusing objects, food and materials.

After completing this course, the learners will be able to:

  • Know what upcycling, recycling and downcycling are;
  • Be aware of the importance of upcycling;
  • Have a concrete idea of upcycling advantages and disadvantages;
  • Transform and reuse certain materials, foods and objects.

Course 8 – Environmental Management Technician

Target Group: VET students

This course aims to prepare young professionals with technical skills to integrate the labour market, contributing to the implementation of environmental technologies, design, monitoring, evaluation of business and/or government projects with an impact on the territory.

In the microlearning course ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN you will find 3 different modules with microlearning lessons that will introduce you to the concepts of Ambient air pollution, Water, sanitation and hygiene and Soil Health. This course will approach several elements such as the definition of Air pollution, what are the common air pollutants, how we can reduce air pollution among other topics; the concept of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) and the EU approach to assure fresh water and drinking water to all; The definition of Soil Health, as well as the European mission for soil, and how soil and climate change are related.

Module 1 – Throughout five lessons learners will be introduced to the concept of Ambient Air pollution and will be able to define the most common air pollutants, describe the how air pollution can be reduced as well as the air quality standards and the different measure procedures.

Module 2 – (WASH) comprises 4 lessons. Throughout the 4 lessons learners will be introduced to the concept of WASH and will be able to determine the European approaches for water and describe how a wastewater treatment works.

Module 3 – During this module learners will discover the importance of soil. Learners will be able to define the European plan for Soil and describe how soil health is related to climate change.

The VETCAMP online course, as it is available on this Online Campus, is completely free of charge. Any institutions, self-learners or individuals will be able to freely access the content produced by the Green VET experts that worked on the VETCAMP project. 

The initiative, as it is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, will continue to be free and available for all those interested thanks to the support received for the development of this online course.

The educational principles that have pushed the partners of VETCAMP towards the creation of this rich and useful collection of knowledge and resources has been that of exploiting the wide existence of Open Educational Resources – OER. However, it is common that OER are not coherently organized towards a comprehensive or at least overarching educational purpose: this is where the work of VETCAMP experts has been precious.

The delivery of this 100%-free educational course for VET learners & institutions builds upon existing resources by keeping them free and continuously available through the online Campus.

The VETCAMP partnership does not hold ownership of the Course. It is in fact developed and disseminated under the Creative Common License, which allows the results of the project, and thus also this Course, to be freely accessible.

Under this license, partners of the project or other interested parties may utilize the content created under VETCAMP online course for future initiatives and training courses which may be or may not be accessible through subscription and payment of a fee. This is in no way related to the results of VETCAMP, which will continue to be free and available.

The publicly available deliverables of the VETCAMP project (Agreement N°: 2021-1- DE02-KA220-VET-000034774) will be property of the VETCAMP Consortium and all partners represented therein. 

The Consortium has agreed on an Intellectual Property Rights and Commercialisation Agreement that regulates the ownership of the following deliverables:

  • A3.4 Project website
  • O1/T1 GreenVet Online Campus Teaching Strategy
  • O1/T2 GreenVet Online Campus Digital Strategy
  • O1/T3 GreenVet Online Campus Accessibility and Inclusion
  • O1/T4 GreenVet Online Campus Learning Content 
  • O2/T3 VETCAMP Online Campus

Each partner of the VETCAMP Consortium holds unrestricted rights for the usage of the aforementioned project deliverables. This includes the rights to develop further, to adapt and to combine with other content or structures, to reproduce and publish and, last but not least, to use commercially in long term perspective. Furthermore, parties are not obliged to inform the consortium in case they wish to make use of their property rights.

In case of any production, modifications and further developments, each partner is solely responsible to meet all copyright regulations concerning pictures, videos and all other materials used; none of the other beneficiaries can be made responsible for any copyright abuse.

The deliverables are produced under a Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. This License stipulates that the Consortium will be able to retain ownership over the material developed, utilize them in a commercial way, and modify them for other purposes. Attribution must always be given, and any changes should be clearly stated. 

The VETCAMP-GREEN VET ONLINE CAMPUS service is both a Content and a Learning Management System, based on the open courseware development platform Open edX (, delivered in the context of the European-Union-funded project VETCAMP ( ). It offers free web-based courses for the VETCAMP project.

Apart from the course catalogue, the online learning environment’s landing page contains links to properly meet its objectives and comply with the requirements imposed by the legal, regulatory and contractual environment processes personal data. Most specifically:

  • Project. This is an external link to the project website.
  • Partners. External Link to the project website and the partner’s section.
  • Privacy Policy. This page informs the user about the description of the service and provides detailed information related to personal data storage and processing. More specifically, it lists the data stored during the registration process and the data processed during the interaction with the platform. The latter is used for assessing user participation, engagement, and performance.


The VETCAMP-GREEN VET ONLINE CAMPUS Privacy Policy is divided into sub-sections, including all the required information.

  • Description of the service
  • Data controller
  • Contact Details
  • Personal data processed
  • Why we process this information
  • Events Privacy Statement
  • Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed
  • How to exercise user’s rights
  • Data retention
  • Data subject rights
  • Complaint to the relevant authority


Specific information is required so as to register in this service. The minimum information required within the VETCAMP-GREEN VET ONLINE CAMPUS is:


-Full name

-Public username


-Country or region of residence


(Personal Information Group A)

After an account has been created in the system, the users will be able to enrich their profile with further information.


-Time Zone

-Education Completed 

-Year of Birth 

-Preferred Language


(Personal Information Group B)

If users want to promote their accomplishments (relating to courses on this platform), they can use the links to the social media. To do so, they could insert the user’s social media link information:

-Facebook Link

-Instagram Link


(Personal Information Group C)

When they participate in courses through this platform, information regarding their participation and performance are retained. Such information is:

-Number and name of enrolled courses

-Time of enrollment to the courses

-Time spent on the courses

-Completion time of the courses

-Performance on quizzes

-Answers to questionnaires

-Certificates of completion

-Questions and comments posted on the chat function

-Questions and feedback received through other communication channels of the platform

-Time spend on videos or other course material

-Count of page visits


VETCAMP Partners use information, including Personal Information, to carry out the following purposes per group of Personal Information:


Personal Information Group A

– Create an account for the user in order to gain access to this Platform. The information of this Group is mandatory and without it no account can be created. (Needed to perform the service).


-Offer and improve products and services. This includes enabling them to navigate the VEΤCAMP Platform, enroll and participate in courses and programs on the VEΤCAMP Online Campus nd learn effectively in such courses and programs.

– Offer and improve products and services. This includes enabling them to navigate the VEΤCAMP Platform, to enroll and participate in courses and programs on the VEΤCAMP Online Campus and to learn effectively in such courses and programs.

– Communicate with you. This includes answering user’s course and platform questions, notifying you of course and VEΤCAMP Online Campus maintenance and updates, marketing to you about related subjects.


Personal Information Group B

-Comply with the requirements of Grant Agreement no. N 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034774, for the European Union-funded project VETCAMP. The design of this project (through which you have access to the relevant courses) demands the measurement of specific KPIs. The information of this Group covers the majority of these KPIs.


Personal Information Group C

– Facilitate the promotion of users achievements to the public through social media interconnections. This information is optional.


Personal Information Group D

–  Operate and improve the VEΤCAMP Platform. This includes creating and improving features that support the VEΤCAMP community and enable VEΤCAMP Online Campus usage at scale. This also includes personalizing the VEΤCAMP Online Campus, so users learning experience is tailored to their interests and needs.

– Communicate with the user/learner. This includes answering user’s course and platform questions, notifying you of course and VETCAMP Online Campus maintenance and updates, marketing to you about course offerings, programs, news, and related products and services of VEΤCAMP project, and as permitted under applicable law, sending you communications about news and events

–   Support scientific research including collaborating to enable and conduct research about how learners access and master course materials online. Where necessary to extract these conclusions all personal information is anonymized.

– Develop and maintain the security and performance of the VETCAMP Platform. This includes tracking VETCAMP Online Campus outages and creating software solutions, detecting violations of the Honor Code and Terms of Service, and monitoring uses, misuses, and potential misuses of the VEΤCAMP Online Campus.

– Track VETCAMP Platform usage against goals and mission. This includes performing analytics to evaluate access to and performance in courses and course-related products and services and to report aggregate usage information (not Personal Information) to Partners and the European Commission.

Exercise, enforce, and comply with legal rights and obligations. This includes responding to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; and investigating, preventing, or taking action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, security or technical issues, or protecting the rights, property, or safety of VETCAMP Online Campus, or others, and as otherwise required by applicable law. No Automated individual decision-making, including profiling, takes place regarding the user’s personal information and user’s experience within this Platform.

The personal data belonging to the categories mentioned above are collected directly from the data subjects during their registration and participation data analytics to the VETCAMP-GREEN VET ONLINE CAMPUS.

Depending on the task and the purposes of the processing, each partner (including the Coordinator) could act as a Controller. The identity of the controller in each case will be depicted in the relevant notification provided to the data subject before the personal data collection. 

In any case, the data subject will be informed prior to the collection of personal data of the data the respective controller collects and processes. That information will be clearly displayed in the relevant notice.

Where the controller intends to further process the personal data for a purpose other than that for which the personal data were collected, the controller shall provide the data subject prior to that further processing with information on that other purpose and with any relevant additional information.

Personal data sharing

Information provided to the VETCAMP project by data subjects will be stored in the basic information system and maintained on a need-to-know basis.

Personal data processed within the VETCAMP project will be collected and processed lawfully, fairly and transparently concerning the data subject. For each processing, the legal basis will be established, and the controller will implement the appropriate actions.The lawful processing of personal data requires a proper basis for processing. Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed can be: 

  1. The partners of the consortium, 
  2. The European Commission, 
  3. The Host of the platform for facilitating the above-mentioned purposes.

The processing of personal data that does not meet the GDPR requirements, relevant national laws and guidelines and relevant contractual requirements is prohibited.


Purpose limitation

The personal data collected by the VETCAMP project will adress to specified, clear, legitimate and lawful purposes. The goals of processing the personal data are specified, documented and communicated to the data subjects.


Data minimization

The VETCAMP project shall only collect personal data that is sufficient, relevant and limited to what is essentially connected to the purposes for which it is being processed.

Personal data will not be collected or processed to an extent greater than necessary for the process procedure. The project partners will consider examining each case of personal data processing based on this specified principle. They will minimize the data requested to the minimum possible extent (up to six months after the end of the project).

The storage time of personal data must also be minimised, and no personal data should be stored just in case. The processing of personal data is only permitted when the purpose of the processing cannot be achieved through other means.



In this section, the personal information processed by the VETCAMP project is collected directly from the data subjects. On account of the limited lifetime of the project, it would not be possible to have complex procedures established to update the relevant information. Every reasonable measure will be taken into account to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, regarding the purposes for which it is processed, is deleted or rectified without further delay.


Storage limitation

VETCAMP project will retain the user’s personal data for the duration of the project (up to 31/10/2023) and for a period of 5 years after the last instalment as mandated by the relevant Grant agreement. After this period, the user’s data will be irrevocably deleted..


Integrity and confidentiality

Safeguards aim to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems, services, and data. Personal data is processed accordingly to provide adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures. Through all processing operations, the personal data has to be protected for the complete processing lifecycle.


Data subject rights

Users have the following rights:

–      Right of access by the data subject

–      Right to rectification

–      Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

–      Right to restriction of processing

–      Right to data portability


  • Terms of Use. Users are informed of the Terms of Service that govern the VETCAMP learning platform and are owned and operated by the members of the VETCAMP consortium. It consists, among others, of information related to platform accessibility, security rules, License agreements, use of personal information, etc.
  • Honor Code. Users are informed about user posting rules and their responsibilities connected to  the proper use of the VETCAMP online platform. A list of strictly prohibited items is included at the end of the document.


The personal data processing identification and monitoring will be constant throughout the lifetime of the VETCAMP  project. In case that changes requires it, then a specific assessment of the impact of the envisaged processing operations on the protection of personal data will be implemented  utilizing an acceptable  methodology type.